Wednesday, September 26, 2012

An Interesting Lunch Date


Today was the first day of a new course that our Vicar, James, is running. I've never felt as if I wanted to attend a course at Church before, but I have to admit that James is changing some of my perspectives. Not sure about how they are changing yet, but they are. In general the course takes place on a Monday Evening, but evenings are quite awkward for me at times, so I was happy to take advantage of the chance to run the course on a Wednesday afternoon as well.

So we met up for lunch, five of us in total, plus James. We chatted as we ate, then we talked about our Church. It was a good opportunity to think about our individual place in the family of the Church. I have a bad habit of talking too much, so I tried hard to keep my input to a minimum. I just hope that I didn't talk too much.

That will do for today, busy day, so I shall see you tomorrow.

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