Saturday, September 27, 2008

Tuesday Night is Open Night

So on Tuesday Evening we had Open Evening for the new Academy. Here comes another little rant. Just skip past this one D you know what is coming so ignore it.

So okay, the new school will open next September, so they have to hold an Open Evening to attract the scions of our town to attend the wonderful new school. But we had only just had a letter saying that new Year 7 students will attend the other School's Building. The brand new building will be open by 2010 (OH YEAH - just watch this space if it's properly built it will take more than 12 months to build, If it's built by 2010 it will probably be awful)

So if the promises are correct then the new Year 7 pupils will be at the other school until 2011, a full year after the new school has been built and the old one pulled down. So why in anybody's name would the parents want to come and look around our old school.

So why in heaven's name did we have to waste an evening sitting around while no more than 30 people came and looked around our part of the building?

What a fun and joy filled evening that was. To top it off the new Principal, in her address, told the parents that they could not ask the staff any questions about the new school because we knew nothing about it.

Really, honestly, truthfully! Why were we there?

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